Great selection of seasonal yard décor. Decorative stakes, gazing balls, garden flags and more. We have what you need to make your yard unique to you.

Pesticides / Fertilizer
From bugs to weeds to critters, we have what you need to keep your plants and yards pest and disease free.

We carry a full line of amendments for your lawn and garden. Compost, perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, bagged soils and fertilizers.

Local products
As a small business we appreciate all of the community support. In turn we carry items locally made. Honey, jams, jellies, BBQ sauces and wine are just some of the items we sell in the store.

Grass / Garden seed
All of our grass seed comes from United seeds in Ralston Neb. This seed is specially formulated ton work with our climates. It is blue tag certified and tested weed free. With many combination to pick from, we can find the perfect seed for your lawn. We have a new line of garden seed this year. Renee’s garden added cornucopia seed to their line. With hundreds of varieties to choose from, there are endless options to make your garden your own perfect Zen spot. They carry the best heirlooms, open pollinated varieties, the newest hybrids and a full range of certified organic varieties. All seeds are NO GMO!